What I learned mowing lawns at the Children's Malnutrition Center in San Juan, Sacatepequez, Guatemala, C.A.: (To read about the lawn mowing see our team blog, here.)
- Inspection - It is a good idea to take a quick look at the mower before you begin just to make sure everything is still attached. Little things like the shroud over the top of the engine or maybe even the muffler. In the same way, we should inspect our lives. What is coming apart and why? We shouldn't wait until things start falling apart when all we needed to do was tighten a few relational screws.
- Some Maintenance Required - Spark plug, oil and air filters are all expended parts. When they are bad, they can have serious consequences to the operation of the mower. In our lives, there are many things that need to be maintained - physical condition, nutrition, relationships, intellectual growth, spiritual connection ...
- When Enough Is Enough - When things aren't working well, it is best to stop and fix it rather than soldier on with unsatisfactory results. Things like bent and twisted blades that extend below the deck of the mower and dig trenches in the yard when a wheel falls in a hole causing a need to raise the deck to the highest level leaving one with less than satisfactory results. In our life and relationships, sometimes things just don't work. Rather than making the best of it through the ugliness - FIX IT! Learn a new skill, ask for help, pray a lot, study what God has to say about it (and then actually do some of it whether you like it or not), whatever it takes to make things right.
- Fixing the Fixes - There are somethings you should not try to fix by just screwing it on tighter. When you use a universal blade, it is preferable to use the accompanying adapters rather than tighten down the retaining bold until you strip out the threads and warp the blade. Most of us have picked up some maladaptive behaviors. We've learned methods of self-protection that are not conducive to good relationships. We escape, withdraw, lash out, deny, begrudge, lie ... usually to cover pain. Ask God for healing. Learn new ways to deal with people and situations. Pray Psalm 51. Be transformed.
- Repair Improv - When the necessary parts are not available, don't give up. Use what you have to make it work. Like finding longer bolts, washers and nuts to put the muffler back on when the retaining clip is lost. In life, we don't give up. We keep learning and growing and changing. We fail and we try again. We go back to the Bible, to prayer, to good Christian friends - the basics - until we find the missing part to make it work. We persevere knowing that it will have it's perfect result that we may become mature and complete lacking nothing.
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