Monday, September 12, 2011

Without ceasing?!?

The idea of praying without ceasing is a difficult one to wrap my head around.  I mean, how long can you keep you head bowed before you get a serious crick in it?

There's a story I once read on the internet that sheds some light on the issue:
A group of theology professors were debating the efficacy of pray within the sovereignty of God and the meaning of "pray without ceasing".  Obviously it had to mean something other the most direct interpretation.  After all, no one can continually pray, there are other aspects of life.  Finally, they settled on the concept that to "pray without ceasing" is an ideal we strive for, but never attain in this life.
Just then a cleaning woman comes in and one of them asks her, "Do you think anyone can pray without ceasing?"  She replies, "Of course!  When I first wake up in the morning I thank God for the new day and ask Him to direct me in a path that is pleasing to Him.  When I put my feet on the floor I thank Him for the health he has given me and I pray for those that I know are ill.  As I pick up my Bible for my morning devotion I ask Him to open my mind to understand, and my heart to want to do what I read in His book.  When I lay it down I ask Him to show me where His word applies in my life and relationships as I go through my day.  When I take a shower I thank Him for his provisions of my home and running water and electricity that puts me among the wealthiest 10% in the whole world.  As I prepare my breakfast I thank Him for His generous provision that is so far beyond what most people in the world have and ask Him to provide for those in need of the basic necessities of life.  And on and on through my day.  Everything offers me a chance to continue my conversation with Him!"
Sometimes I think we over think things a bit in order to give us a way out.  Maybe it does mean exactly what it says - "pray without ceasing."

Just sayin' ...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jim......I needed this today! :) Shelly (Lisa's friend)
