Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advent - The Sacrifice

Imagine waiting and waiting and waiting to receive your gift in the mail.  You've been checking the status daily waiting for the elusive "your purchase has shipped message" so you can get a tracking number.  Then you start tracking the package as it moves from facility to facility getting closer and closer.  Finally!  It arrives!  And then you dad tells you that you can open it and play with it once, but then he is going to take it back.  What a rip!!!  How can he be so cruel!!!!!
God had promised Abraham a son and told him that a great nation would come through this son.  After so many years, Isaac is finally born and it seems like the promise is coming true.
Then ...
God tells Abraham, "sacrifice your son to me".  Wow.  At the end of the story, God provides a sacrifice in place of Isaac, but Abraham followed through, trusting in God.

So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.”
How are you at following even when it doesn't make sense?  That's a tough one.  But, God is faithful.  Do you trust him?

Today's Advent reading: Gen 22:1-14

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